
[署名] Change.org 憲法9条にノーベル平和賞を与えないでください。

[署名] Change.org 憲法9条にノーベル平和賞を与えないでください。

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Petitioning ノルウェー・ノーベル委員会 The Norwegian Nobel Committee

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ノルウェー・ノーベル委員会 The Norwegian Nobel Committee

憲法9条にノーベル平和賞を与えないでください。 Please do not award the Nobel Peace Prize to Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan.

Petition by


日本は中国に侵略されつつあるが、憲法9条のせいで自衛できない状況。1969,1970年の国連の調査の結果、東シナ海や南シナ海に大 油田と豊富なガス 田があることがほぼ確実であると判明。その後中国は1992年に領海法を制定し、尖閣諸島や南沙諸島を中国領土と突然明文化。1995年 フィリピン駐留の 米軍撤退後、 中国は南沙諸島の島を占領。尖閣をも侵略しようとしている。(支那の悪行詳述)このままでは、日本領「竹島」が韓国に不法占領されているように、尖閣もい つか中国に占領されるかも知れない。ウクライナと米国の安保条約が施行されなかったように、日米安保条約も空文かも知れない。このような 状況で日本国憲法 9条は日本の生存を脅かしている。憲法9条にノーベル平和賞を与えないでください。
ノルウェー・ノーベル委員会 The Norwegian Nobel Committee
I have read a news article that states that Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan which renounces war has been accepted as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Please do not award the Nobel Peace Prize to Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan.
China is slowly invading Japanese territory, but we cannot defend ourselves because of Article 9 of the Constitution.

Please let me explain the background.
The United Nations performed oceanographic investigations in 1969 and 1970, and the results are that it is highly likely that there is a large oil field and abundant gas fields located in the East China Sea and/or South China Sea.
After this report by the United Nations, China enacted its Law on the Territorial Sea 1992 which stipulated that the Senkaku Islands (which are in the East China Sea) and the Spratly Islands (which are located in the South China Sea) are the territories of China for the first time. China suddenly started to insist that these islands are Chinese territories.
The Senkaku Islands are Japanese territory. The position of the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the Senkaku Islands is here. 

After the withdrawal of U.S. Forces stationed in the Philippines in 1995, China invaded one of the islands in the Spratly Islands, and is rapidly developing that area.

China is also trying to invade Japanese Senkaku islands. Chinese fishing boats now operate in the East China Sea even though China is prohibited from fishing there according to the Japan-China fisheries pact. China also dispatches armed vessels into to the Senkaku Islands ocean area.
China is invading not only on the seas but also in the sky. Chinese warplanes have repeatedly flown over the high seas between the air defense identification zone, the main Okinawa island, and Miyakojima in Japan near Senkaku Islands.
Because of Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan, Japan cannot easily defend itself against these acts of aggression of China.
The way things stand, the Senkaku Islands may soon be occupied by China just like the Japanese territory Takeshima is illegally occupied by South Korea. If China successfully invades the Senkaku Islands, then invading Okinawa might be next. It is even possible that China could consider invading parts of the main Japanese islands.
The view of the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs about Takeshima is here.

There is de facto security treaty known as the "Budapest Memo" between the Ukraine and the U.S, however despite the present day takeover of Ukraine territory by Russia, the U.S. has not carried out its obligations under the treaty.
There is also a security treaty between Japan and the U.S., but if China were to invade Japanese territory, it seems very likely that the U.S. will not carry out its obligations under the U.S.-Japan security treaty, since it is not doing so in the Ukraine.
Please do not award the Nobel Peace Prize to Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan.
Thank you for your consideration.

[Your name]

Reached 3,000 signatures



[署名] Change.org 長崎平和公園の「韓国人原爆犠牲者追悼碑」の建立に強く反対します。

[署名] Change.org 年間20万人移民受け入れに断固反対します! 移民受け入れよりも日本人が子供を産める政策を!



[署名] Change.org 憲法9条ノーベル平和賞を欲しません。

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