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宛先:The Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee, The United Nations and・・・
The Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee, The United Nations and・・・
The Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee
憲法9条ノーベル平和賞を欲しません。The Nobel Peace Prize to the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution deprives Japan of positive activities for contributing towards World Peace
The Nobel Peace Prize to the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution deprives Japan of positive activities for contributing towards World Peace.
We, Japanese, don’t want the Nobel Peace Prize to the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution because of the following reasons.
1, Unfortunately there have happened many wars and conflicts in the world almost every day.We, Japanese, who internally enjoy a peaceful life, have closed our eyes not to look at these miserable world scenes due to the Article 9 which bans positive activities for world peace,despite of its appearance.
The Article 9 makes Japanese selfish.We must not be a selfish nation anymore.
2, The United Nations has asked Japan to contribute more positively to the Peacekeeping Operations.But the Article 9 has forced Japanese government to reject to satisfy the demand of The United Nations.
The United Nations peacekeeping operation was born thanks to Canadian foreign minister (future prime minister) Mr. Pearson who won the Nobel Peace Prize. It's absolutely contradictory to award the Nobel Peace Prize to the Article 9 which deprives Japan of positive contribution towards PKO whose advocate, Mr. Pearson, won the Nobel Peace Prize.
3, In the first place, the present Japanese Constitution was not drafted by Japanese itself but by GHQ in the period of occupied Japan. GHQ forced Japan, a defeated nation, to accept it.If the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to the Article 9, it comes down to the award for GHQ. This insults Japanese nation and denies the independence of Japan.
4, The award to the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution means automatically that all nations who possess army are warlike and aggressor nations. This is not true. There are many nations who possess army and are peaceful, and contribute towards world peace. It’s not army which violates peace but its government or its rulers in wrong direction.
(To The Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee, The United Nations, The Prime Minister of Japan, The Ministry of Defense of Japan, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan and The American Embassy in Japan)
1、不幸にも世界では、ほとんど毎日のように、戦争や紛争が生じています。私達日本人は、国内的に平和を満喫している状況の中で、これらの世界の悲惨な状況に目を閉じてきました。それは憲法9条が一見世界平和に寄与しているようで実際には世界平和への積極的貢献を禁止しているからです。 憲法9条は日本人を利己的な国民にしているのです。私達はもはや日本のことだけを考えればいいという利己的国民であってはなりません。
The Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee, The United Nations and・・・
The Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee
憲法9条ノーベル平和賞を欲しませんThe Nobel Peace Prize to the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution deprives us of positive activities for contributing towards World Peace.
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